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CliP Partial Dresden Type

Long-term hearing results and patient satisfaction after tympanoplasty with Titanium CliP-Prostheses

Wolferts G., Schicke D., Delank K.W.

Published: 86th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Oto-, Rhino-,
Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Berlin, May 13-16, 2015. Düsseldorf:
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2015. Doc15hnod526,
March 26, 2015. Poster Abstract.

Introduction: Titanium CliP® Prostheses (Dresden or FlexiBal® type,
Kurz) have been in use for reconstruction of the ossicle chain for several
years. So far only a few studies of the long-term audiological and otological
results have been published. The quality of life of patients has not been

Methods: From 2003-2013 140 patients received a tympanoplasty with implantation
of a titanium CliP® Prosthesis in this hospital. We conducted a
retrospective, monocentric study with prospective follow-up of up to eleven
years after the initial procedure. Otological microscope findings and audiological
measurement data were evaluated for the analysis. The quality of life
was evaluated based on the Glasgow Benefit Inventory. The objective of the
study was to find information on the long-term hearing results (air-bone gap
before and after operation), the seating of the prosthesis, the rate of revision
operations, protrusions and extrusions, and patient satisfaction.

Results: 30 patients were recruited and the average follow-up was 64
months. The validated analysis of quality of life showed an improvement;
protrusions or extrusions were documented in isolated cases. The sound
transmission component - measured over frequencies 0.5-4 kHz - was reduced
pantonally from an average of 21 dB to 10.2 dB.

Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the results remain stable over
the long term and in contrast to other methods of chain reconstruction the
sound conduction component is reliably reduced. This was also the first
time that a validated measurement procedure could be used to show that the
subjective quality of life of patients is positively affected over the long term.
Reconstruction of the ossicle chain with titanium CliP® Prostheses is now
an established procedure.