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Temporal Bone Modell

Temporal Bone Modell

Temporal Bone Modell -Yamagata

Anatomical correct model of the middle ear including

  • mobile ossicles
  • chorda tympany
  • facial nerv
  • tympanic membrane


The Temporal Bone Modell offers:

  • Preparation and cutting of the tympanic membrane
  • Separation of the incudostapedial joint
  • Practicing the correct postioning of middle ear prostheses to the ossicles
  • Realistic fixation of passive middle ear implants to the ossicle (e.g. Crimping or Clipping)

Ordering Information

Ordering Information - Temporal Bone Modell
Temporal Bone Model - Yamagata M9700102



Prescription Devices Caution:

United States Federal Law restricts devices identified herein to sale by or on the order of a physician.
These pages do not replace nor do they set forth the complete contents of the “Instructions for Use” for the products shown here, and are not substitute for reviewing and understanding that important information. Therefore, before using any products included here, please review the entire contents of the respective “Instructions for Use” information.
Because of registration the product is currently not available in all countries.




DMS 0006206_Rev.01