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Breathe Implant à Wengen

Breathe Implant à Wengen

  • Dialates the nasal valve and permanently stabilizes the lateral soft tissue
  • Pre-shaped: no contouring required
  • Allows standardized method
  • Different implant sizes fit most anatomic, ethnologic and age-dependent physical varitions
  • Corresponding sizers facilitate the surgeon's selection of the appropriate model for each patient
  • MR conditional for the future: 7.0 Tesla


Product Information

Restricted nasal breathing can have a variety of causes, such as collapse in the nasal valve area. Narrowing of the nasal valve and instability of the soft tissues of the lateral nasal walls can cause them to constrict during inspiration due to the Venturi Effect to the point of complete occlusion.

Nasal valve collapse is a common cause of nasal airway obstruction. Instability of the lateral nasal walls during inspiration from the Venturi Effect can result in pulmonary insufficiency. This can be counteracted with a Breathe Implant à Wengen. It is used to dilate the nasal valve for sufficient breathing. The implant is used to dilate the nasal valve and preserve airway patency.

In open or closed rhinoplasty, the Breathe Implant à Wengen, is sutured to the lateral nasal cartilage and covered with the alar cartilage. The Breathe Implant à Wengen is available in six different sizes. Size determination is selected through the placement of corresponding templates.



  • Reduced migration risk due to location and anchoring technique
  • Standardized surgical technique simplifies procedures and saves time
  • Defined stress ratios, uniform geometry and material thicknesses
  • Versatile technique also suitable in cases of previous nose surgery
  • Very good cosmetic result because of the thinness of the implant (only 0.5 mm)

Ordering Information

Ordering Information - Breathe Implant à Wengen
Item Size



Breathe Implant à Wengen XS 3 0.5 6002 011
Breathe Implant à Wengen S 4 0.5 6002 012
Breathe Implant à Wengen M 5 0.5 6002 013
Breathe Implant à Wengen L 6 0.5 6002 014
Breathe Implant à Wengen XL 7 0.5 6002 015
Breathe Implant à Wengen XXL 8 0.5 6002 016


Material: Pure Titanium (ASTM F67 Medical Grade)


Ordering Information - Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen
Item Size mm REF
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen XS 3 8000 249
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen S 4 8000 250
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen M 5 8000 251
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen L 6 8000 252
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen XL 7 8000 253
Sizer Breathe Implant à Wengen XXL 8 8000 254

Material: Stainless Steel


Prescription Devices Caution:

United States Federal Law restricts devices identified herein to sale by or on the order of a physician.
These pages do not replace nor do they set forth the complete contents of the “Instructions for Use” for the products shown here, and are not substitute for reviewing and understanding that important information. Therefore, before using any products included here, please review the entire contents of the respective “Instructions for Use” information.
Because of registration the product is currently not available in all countries.

DMS 0004629_Rev02